Lincoln Park Zoo
October 2008
Kathy Ward
Jean, Brendan and Owen Lahm
Paul Silnes

Paul and Jean....Vivid leaves....Owen

Jean and Paul pushed Owen in the stroller and talked and followed us around.
So Brendan and I had the run of the zoo...we wandered wherever we wanted.
It was great fun!
Brendan looks at the water....and plays in the climbing thingy.

A bear and Brendan check each other out....Brendan at a water fountain....The giraffes

African dogs.... Brendan and flamingos....Brendan and a fish....Feeding a sea lion

The park and the city

The park....The fountain....Brendan at the fountain

The Flower House....Brendan and the sensitive plant....Done posing for the day!
Notice Owen sucks two fingers...upside down!

The Rookery (Alfred Caldwell Lily Pond) was open!

Brendan was fascinated by the water under the rocks....Brendan in my favorite spot!

Kathy and Paul

Yes, the structure on the left is better than the one on the right!
Brendan gets a box of Milk Duds from a lady who had Jean take her picture

Kathy reflects on the perfect zoo visit!
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