Erin on TV
Lincoln Park Zoo
October 25, 2007
(Erin's Third Birthday)

Erin on The Channel 7 News on her Birthday

A beautiful tree

Look what they did to the old drinking fountains!
Old one on the left, new ones in the middle and on the right.
The Reptile House

Daphne and Brendan check out snakes

Erin, Daphne, Owen, Jean and Brendan


Brendan's reflection with the alligator....Flamingos
The Children's Area

Laura talking....Daphne listening....Pushing the strollers....Looking at the Water Display

Daphne climbed pretty high....Why yes, Erin is behind the waterfall.
The Flower House

They can call it The Lincoln Park Conservatory but it will always be The Flower House to me!

Art thing....Erin doesn't know what to think....The Sensitive Plant....Erin closes a fern by touching it

Daphne and Brendan were quite a drain!

Fern....Daphne carrying Brendan who ran amuck....Koi....Flowers

Posing in one of Grandma Kathy's happiest places on earth

Jean and Owen....Grandma Kathy lecturing Brendan and Daphne....Brendan lost interest....Leaves

Owen and Brendan ready to move on

Erin, Grandma Kathy, Brendan and Daphne running for joy....Daphne being an animal
Outdoor Animals

Camels....Laura laughing because Grandma Kathy said the bear might be inside....the bear (right there!)

The beautiful and graceful giraffes

Ostriches and squirrels

The lion checks out Brendan and Daphne
In The Animal Houses

Daphne was reluctant to go in this little cave....But she did it.....And Erin joined her

Posing on the big brass hippo....Erin on the baby hippo

A Mommy and Daddy monkey holding their red-headed newborn....Owen behind the net on his cage stroller

This guy was real friendly....he even showed us what he was eating

This guy liked Daphne too
Daphne posing while Erin is doing whatever she is doing
Grandma Kathy holding a door for the stroller pushers

Why yes, I am looking for Daphne's boopie....Daphne took these pictures
The Tourists

So, for some reason, Jean had all the kids. Laura and I were about 15 feet from them. A couple of tourists stopped to take pictures of the kids. Soon, Jean was surrounded and Laura and I were laughing. Then they all turned and waved to us and we waved back. Apparently they asked Jean if she was the mother of all of them and Jean pointed out Laura as the mother of the girls. They spoke very little English but Jean did her best to understand them. Two women had their picture taken with Daphne. Daphne said, "Two mommies wanted to take my picture with them." The whole thing was very strange and very funny.

Daphne posed for Mommy....Erin stayed bundled up

Daphne took a picture of herself....Erin in her Dora glasses
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