Brookfield Zoo on Christmas Eve....2001
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Michael's Tree and Ornament

Jimmy Buffet and Postcard Trees

Da Bears

Eileen, Kathy and Tigers

We got to see the Walruses being fed....and they did some tricks for us!

Sean, Michael and Kyle enjoying the Zoo

Statue of dolphins, the money spinning game and Mold-A-Rama

We actually sang "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" to Inga

A llama, Two Democrats, and a pig

Polar bear, monkeys, Sean, Michael, Jim and Terry

Swamp trip and saw experience

Some pretty sights

Fun times...And then we drove away and saw some wonderful Christmas lights!

The Corbet Tree and Tree House Lights

The Inside Tree and Beautiful Dinner Table
Be sure to check out Sean's really neat Warhammer game on his website!
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