How We Celebrated
The Chicago White Sox 
World Series Championship!

Terry posing with his team after the Pennant win.
Kathy and Terry Ward....Daphne and Erin Pistello:

Erin went to bed at 7 after playing with Daphne's baby.
Daphne played with her cars during most of the game.

Terry set off six roman candles while Erin and Daphne watched.
Daphne was up for the entire game....Erin woke up for a bottle just as we planned to go
outside so she came with us. They both went right to bed after the fireworks and slept 'til 7 a.m.

Some of the squiggly sights we saw!
Also, Jean and Laura called from St. Croix to congratulate us....they are having a great time and apparently watched the game there. We didn't talk long because we were setting off the fireworks!
Rebecca and Bill Hines:
We celebrated by ripping up old carpeting and scraping a concrete floor. Alex and Hannah were night for them!
Eileen Corbet:
Crying in my beer!!!!!
NOW maybe it's OUR turn!!!!!!
A Loyal Cubs Fan
Pat Corbet:
With a big YAHOO and thankful I can now get some sleep.
Mike Corbet:
The best series I have ever seen. A team of destiny!
Now its over. Go Bears.
Even a loyal Cubs fan hoped the Sox would do well!
Stacy Zareck:
We true White Sox fans knew this day would come. I of course had to teach these Floridians what old school meant by pulling out my game day hat that I got at my first WS game. It still has my name written in pencil across the front with "S" backwards in Stacy. Attached is a pic. Now how about my Alma mater the Fighting Irish! You can take the girl out of Indiana but she carries the Midwest in her heart always!

Email Kathy with your story and/or pictures of the great moment!
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