Vincent James Pistello
June 27, 2001--August 3, 2001
You can't even imagine the wonderful lessons you have taught all of us in the past month. You reminded each of us what's important. It's important to fight, it's important to be with family, it's important to pray, it's important to believe, it's important to dream and it's important to focus on what gifts we receive from God and from family. The rest is all fluff. --Colleen Sweeney
Laura and Jimmy thank all the wonderful people who were so kind and thoughtful during Vinnie's brief stay. They request that donations be made to:
The Ronald McDonald House
5735 South Drexel
Chicago, 60637
Jean's Eulogy:
When you think about everything we encounter even on a daily basis, each one of us is challenged to be strong. And there are many levels of strength. For example, there are days I find the strength not to go into a rage because I can't find my car keys in the morning. But the other levels of strength that all of us have recently found have been more challenging.
I've always known that Laura and Jimmy are strong. But you never know how strong a person is until they're faced with something so difficult. From the day Vincent was born, I've never seen two more dedicated, caring and loving parents as Laura and Jimmy. If strength means never losing hope-they certainly didn't. Even during Vinnie's most trying struggles, they greeted you with a warm smile. That simply amazed me. They are the ones who kept our spirits high.
If strength means being dedicated-they certainly were. I couldn't count the nights Laura and Jimmy slept right by Vinnie's side. On any given day you would find them reading to him, talking to him, singing to him or just holding his hand. Vinnie particularly liked it when they played the London Symphony Orchestra plays the Rolling Stones. He must have gotten that from Aunt Jean.
But, Laura and Jimmy were also strengthened by this very gathering of people here today. Every single thought, prayer or effort that was made by this wonderful group of family and friends made a world of difference.
Every single nurse that read to Vinnie, sat with him, made a shirt for him or a sign for him made a difference. Every doctor who took the time to thoroughly explain Vinnie's condition and make sure all questions were answered made a difference. Every single person in the University of Chicago Children's Hospital that gave friends and family updates over the phone, or took the time during rounds to ask how Laura and Jimmy were doing, or merely smiled and said hello in passing made a difference.
Every single person that brought Laura and Jimmy food made a difference. One night I watched Jimmy eat half of a quiche in about 2 minutes that Aunt Sue made. Every single person that sent me an email with kind thoughts and well wishes-that made a difference. Every single person that fed Laura and Jimmy's cats, did their chores at the Ronald McDonald House, drove a car for them somewhere, or brought them absolutely anything they needed-that made a difference. Every single prayer-and this includes so many people who aren't here today-people that haven't met Laura or Jimmy-made a difference.
And the Ronald McDonald House? Words cannot describe how they made a difference. Every person in the place welcomed Laura, Jimmy and every guest with an inviting smile and open arms. They provided a comfortable room, full kitchen, laundry facilities, and more importantly-truly a house full of love to support them during their stay. Every single person or organization that has made a contribution volunteered or hosted a dinner certainly made a difference.
Vinnie's time with us has taught us so incredibly much. I'm going to read an excerpt from a letter that Colleen Sweeney wrote to Vinnie that best describes how all of us feel about the way Vinnie has changed our lives:
You can't even imagine the wonderful lessons you have taught all of us in the past month. You reminded each of us what's important. It's important to fight, it's important to be with family, it's important to pray, it's important to believe, it's important to dream and it's important to focus on what gifts we receive from God and from family. The rest is all fluff.
Thank you, Colleen. These words are so true. Vinnie really opened our eyes to the important things. This is what is important. The support of family and friends. We've learned it's important not to take things for granted, and it never hurts to do something special for someone-even when you think it's small. Usually it's the small things that have the biggest impact.
Speaking on behalf of Laura's side of the family, I'd like to say thank you to the Pistello family. Our families have grown close during these ups and downs, and there is a type of comfort that comes with such a special bond that I cannot put into words.
And, thanks to everyone else here today-and those who couldn't be here, particularly our sister Becky who is recovering from surgery-who have come to show their gracious support and unconditional love. Words cannot describe how truly blessed we are.
Laura told me the day that Vinnie passed that he is in the best hands: he's in God's hands. Today is a celebration that Vincent has risen to Heaven to be with our savior. Thank you God for welcoming Vincent into your kingdom where his spirit is alive to lift us every day. Vinnie will forever be our guardian angel and his arms will hold us when we're in need. His hands will dry our tears and he will listen every single time we call on him. He will be there for us always.
God bless you, Vinnie. We will love you forever.
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