Springfield Illinois
Kathy and Pat

Pat and I started out our mini vacation by having dinner at Marti's Place. Thanks, Pat!

We could always find the Crowne Plaza because it was near giant smokestacks.
The pool was warm and the hot tub was hot.
There was a neat garden room (on the 12th floor) with big balconies next to the pool area.
The computer monitors were huge.
This is a very nice place to stay.

We visited Lincoln's home and neighborhood. It was fascinating. We drove around Lake Springfield.
Our transportation was Pat's Grand Marquis and we had a fun dinner at the Crowne Plaza (with a waiter and a waitress).

We went to Lincoln's Museum. It was a great place and we enjoyed it a lot. We posed with the Lincoln Family

We lunched at a quaint restaurant with delicious food.
At the Lincoln Library, we became researchers.
We looked through many, many folders given to us by Librarian Roberta for scenes of Springfield from 1948.
She sent the one we picked out to me by email.
Mom and Dad honeymooned in Springfield in 1948.
Pat claims he can see Dad's head in the picture.

We had a great tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House. Our guide Amy was very good.

We came across this wayside historical marker on our way to New Salem.

New Salem has a village where people dress up in period clothes and answer questions.
It was fantastic. Yes, Pat has a bucket (made by a cooper) on his head.

I like the gutters....And the entire village

The Illinois State Capitol

The inside dome is way cooler that these pictures show.

The House of Representatives....Pat checking out the view finder

Illinois State Library with 35 Illinois authors etched on its stone
J C Penney outlet store
Hi, Daphne
Red Lobster where we dined on Thursday

Sunset behind The State Capitol....as seen from our hotel room

Lincoln's Tomb...We actually had the area to ourselves because it was 8:30 and the tourist part didn't open until 9:00.
The statues were made from cannon balls. And the grounds were beautiful.

As we were leaving, we ran into our tour guide Amy from the Wright house.
She said if we waited a few minutes, we could go inside the tomb.
We did.

Vietnam Vets Memorial

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