The Museum of Science and Industry
December 2, 2006

A plane, a train and an automobile

Erin, Daphne and Brendan ready to go

Kathy, Jean, Daphne, Erin and Brendan got to the museum at 11:30--just in time for the OmniMax presentation of Volcanoes of the Deep Sea. The theatre was less than half full so we got very good seats. Daphne was disoriented by the motion in the movie and asked me if we were moving. I told her no. Later she asked if we were in the movie and again I told her no. She finally said that she wished the movie was over....sheesh.
Brendan was enthralled with the movie. He didn't act up a bit....until near the end of the movie.
And then there was Erin. When the movie started she said she was scared. That was the beginning of her being moved between her chair and my lap. Then she said she wanted to go home....about 15 times. I finally got her interested in the movie. But she never stopped talking. She pointed out the fish and the octopus. Then she asked repeatedly where the octopus was. She moved frequently between her seat and my lap. She jabbered and jabbered. And finally, near the end of the movie, she got Brendan riled up...and he began to make strange noises. And they laughed.
I don't know who was the happiest when the movie ended....I think it was a tie between Jean and Daphne.
After lunch at the food court, we headed to The Idea Factory where the kids had a blast:

You just can't beat a water table.

They sure liked to fish....Erin on the pirate ship.
We played until Laura got off work and met us at the Museum. The girls were thrilled to see Mama.

Daphne, Erin and Grandma Kathy on the Moon!

Brendan and Erin enjoy Jollyball, a Rube-Goldberg contraption.

We watched a Christmas performance....the kids having their picture taken.
Patti Augustine Leamon suggested I display the old pics from the museum that were on my wall. Here they are:

Kathy, Eileen, Pat, Mary and Pat. Mom's note on the back said Mike was working.
Kathy, Terry and Becky.

Kathy and Becky.
Jean, Jacob, Becky, Laurie, Cherie and Carrie.

Jean and Brendan could have spent all day at the train display....note the South Shore train.

The Christmas trees were wonderful....from Greece....The Great Tree....Native American tree.

On the 727....Daphne and Erin....Brendan, Erin and Laura....Grandma Kathy from outside the plane.

The kids really enjoyed driving the huge John Deere machine.

Posing in the wheel-well....awwwww.

Falling out of the wheel-well and laughing about it!
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