Kathy and Eileen visit the Hineses and Mary.
And the Cubs become Division Champs!
Go Cubs Go! 
September 27, 2003
Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright's estate in Spring Green, Wisconsin, is regarded as an eminent example of Mr. Wright's vision of Organic Architecture, and encompasses work from every decade and phase of his career. The House Tour allows visitors to walk through rooms Mr. Wright imagined, then built. This tour explores the rich canvas he worked every day of his life, from landscaped grounds to furnishings and collected objects. Taliesin's courtyards and gardens provide a commanding view of the beautiful valley which Wright's ancestors settled.

The cat that followed us on the tour...a gnarled oak tree...
Ming vase Mr. Wright cemented down to prevent it from breaking like the one matching it did.

Becky and our tour guide, Gordy, had on matching sweaters.
The ducks were quite loud. Becky said it reminded her of Jean and Jeff's Wedding!

We brought chicken for lunch to Mary's. Her friend Karen was there too.
We watched the Cubs win the first game of a double header.

We had dinner at Shogun's to celebrate Bill's Birthday.
Hannah played with her chopsticks and glass while Alex decided whether or not to try sushi. He tried it and liked it.

Bill was surprised! Hannah and Alex "helped" him eat his dessert.

We watched the Cubs win the second game of the double header and clinch the Division Championship!
Kathy and Eileen played three games of Scrabble. That's all Eileen wants me to say.
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