Miracle on Second Street
Byron, Illinois

Becky playing with the laser light and the girls acting like silly cats

Wearing bouncy hats

The Town Christmas Tree

We all really liked the Giant Christmas Cards....These are some of our favorites

Getting warm at one of the warming fires
The Byron Museum

Typerwriter, refrigerator, sewing machine and phone

The neat train layout

Some of the 30 beautifully decorated Christmas Trees we saw

Daphne and Hannah posed with the Conductor and Frosty
Erin was afraid of Frosty
The photo was from the courtesy of The Byron Museum
Seeing Santa

Erin and Daphne actually talked to Santa
Daphne wants a fairy and mermaid....Erin wants a fairy and mermaid
Hannah couldn't think of anything she wants!

This is the free picture courtesy of Orthopedic Rehab Specialists of Byron

The Live Nativity....Even the animals were live

The singers in the bank were a great hit with our group

Watching and listening

The line to ride the horse drawn carriage was long and we were tired and cold
Becky said the kids could have ice-cream instead of the ride and all four kids were very happy with that
Back At The Hineses

Becky reading to Erin and Daphne....Watching TV with Simba (or, as Erin refers to him, the Rainbow Cat)

The girls wanted Grandma Kathy to read to them....Why yes, that is a picture of Owen on the table
Becky's New Village

Scenes from A Christmas Story

The neighbor's house....The Parker House....The School....Higbee's Department Store

The leg lamp in the window....Opening the leg lamp...."I double dog dare you!"....Ralphie and Randy

The car with the tree....Grover Dill, Scut Farkus and Ralphie....Scut's hat
Making Christmas Cookies

Chopping up Life savers....Making stain-glass cookies

One of the pans of cookies

Then Becky frosted some cookies and the kids decorated them

Decorating the cookies

The finished cookies

Erin got tired and cuddly after a great weekend!

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