Featuring: Kathy Ward, Eileen Corbet, Pat Corbet, Jean Lahm, Brendan Lahm, Stephanie Lintner, Adam Lintner, Brian Watson, Laura Pistello, Daphne Pistello and Erin Eileen Pistello

Daphne practices for her race by running under the "Finish" line sign

Erin and Daphne...Jean and Laura...Brian

Grandma Kathy and Erin waited for the racers to race.
Ronald McDonald posed with Erin

Adam returned first. Then Laura, Daphne and Brian returned. Brian wanted a picture of his backside here.

Daphne, Laura and Brian....Stephanie and Adam

The final group included Stephanie, Jean, Brendan, Pat and Eileen.
Brian referred to Pat as Pat in the Hat!

Pat enjoyed his first walk in a very long time...Kathy, Laura, Daphne and Hidden Erin

Jean and Brendan

And then Daphne "raced". We had high hopes for her. Although she's only 1 year old, she "raced" against much older children in the "under four" category. She wasn't much interested in running so Grandma Kathy took her hand and walked her down the course. She hugged her boopie and had her thumb in her mouth. Before long, lingering in last place, she saw her Mommy and ran almost 10 feet. The crowd clapped for her and said how cute she was. She got a ribbon!

Pat headed home and the rest of us went to Navy Pier.

From his stroller, Brendan watched a sailor on stilts....Daphne and Erin got ready for the Pirate Show.

Kathy, Erin and Daphne enjoyed the Pirate Show.

Brendan had a great day!

Eileen and Brian stopped to chat with Bob Newhart
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