The Wedding of

March, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Jean & Patti's Trip

Welcome to Las Vegas!

Patti & I stayed with Patti's Uncle Joe, Aunt Carol
and cousins Jennifer and Joey. They have a fabulous
pool and hot tub! Thanks for letting us stay in the
guest room, Joe & Carol!

Before the Wedding, Patti & I hit the strip & the Bally's buffet.
A few pictures here and there.

Susan & Jerry's Wedding at Caesar's Palace.
The Ceremony Garden.

The weather was perfect and the ceremony was beautiful!

Picture time after ceremony.

The Reception Dinner was held at Cafe Lago at Caesar's.

The dinner was fabulous! Susan and Jerry cut the cake and shared a kiss.

Susan, Jerry & Symmone
Susan and Me

After the wedding, Patti and I hit the strip. Note the reaction I had to Patti's driving.

On Sunday, Patti & I relaxed in the pool and hot tub. Jen & Patti posed for a picture. For lunch, Carol took us to Glory Days Restaurant. Thanks, Carol!

After lunch, Carol showed us some beautiful residential
areas nearby. We stopped at this waterfall.

Patti and I said goodbye to sunny Las Vegas (and the money we gambled). We were so glad to celebrate with Susan & Jerry and visit with Joe, Carol, Jennifer & Joey.
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