2nd Annual PR Gang Camping Trip
Turkey Run August 2004

The gang in our camping glory!
Saturday Morning

Dan and Christine....Nicole....Adam and Stephanie....Melanie

Sean and Kelly....the Calebs....the Johnson Family....Jeff is doing dishes!

Mike and Jeff set up Mike's tent....our campsites
More of our sites
Pontoon Boating on Cecil M. Harden Lake at Raccoon Lake SRA

A beautiful day to pontoon

Steph....Christine and Capn' Howard Quacktastick....the Calebs....Kelly

Adam and Dan....Jim....hangin' in the lake....Ben is the King of the World!

Steph, Adam and his fabulous catch....Nicole and Mel
Wendy and Mike....Sean stuffing his face

Capn' Ben....Sean, Kim, Kelly and Christine
Back at the Campsite

Cornhole!....Thanks, Val!

The Johnsons and Jean Hiking Trail 7
The Johnson Family....Sugar Creek....Strong Men
Nighttime Activities

Mask time, ladies!

You can't camp without doing a mud mask!

Kelly cooking corn....Mike and Wendy....Nicole tending to the fire

A few more poses on Sunday morning....Sean's amazing packing talents!
Sunday Morning Hiking

Sugar Creek and pictures on the suspension bridge

On Trail 3 - through Rocky Hollow

More of Rocky Hollow / Trail 3, and Jeff's famous pose in the Punch Bowl
9 Cases of Beer...................................$126
2 Spongy Balls....................................$1
5 Assorted Bottles of Booze.......................$120
Spending the Weekend Camping with Your Friends....Priceless!

Email Jean and Jeff

Email Kathy and her Grandcat
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