January and February 2003
Miscellaneous Fun Stuff

Grandpa playing Mr. Mouth with Alex and Hannah.....Bill and Alex are computer buddies

The Demon Cats...awake and asleep

Hannah hiding behind the office curtains....and displaying her milk creations (milk in nut cups)

Jeff, Jean and Alex playing

The Super Bowl Party at Jim and Sue's

The Guys cooked while the Gals enjoyed the Game

Part of the Party watched the Game in the new downstairs Entertainment Room

Eileen and Kathy visited Mary after her operation.
Both Mary and Maxx enjoyed the balloons from Jean and Jeff.
Kathy and Eileen saw a "bird tornado" on the way home!

Jean and Laura participated in Chesterton's "Flurry Scurry" to raise money for the YMCA.
Fifteen inches of snow fell the day before, but, hey, Jean won a trophy!

Grandpa Terry and Bill took Alex and Hannah to Jasper-Pulaski.

Alex and Hannah "sledding"...playing Pixter...and posing for Valentine pictures.

A little surprise party for Jean. Lots of laughs!

Jean shopping on a dreary at the Lighthouse Mall in Michigan, In.
Jean registered for her Wedding at Target. At one point, she accidentally pushed the wrong cart...what fun!

Jenny's shower. Jenny and Roger with gifts. Group photos!

Laura made a diaper cake for Jenny and Roger and a bookcase for her own little one.
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