Three Birthdays and a Festival
July, 2005
Alex and Hannah's Birthday party was delayed for a couple of months because Hannah was in the hospital on their actual birthday. Here are some pictures from the original party:

Hannah and Alex

Alex and Bill
The festivities in July began downstairs.

Decorations, balloons and games!

Matt won the candy by guessing how many were in the bowl.
The party then moved outside for decorating crowns, the pinatâ and water balloon throwing.

Decorating crowns.

Zack, Hannah and Lauren

Bailey and Alex

Matt, Alex and grabbing the loot!

Erin didn't participate much....Quincy tried to participate in the water balloon throwing.

The extra water balloons were thrown around...some adults played as much as the children!
The party moved inside for cake, ice cream and the opening of presents.

Alex and Hannah really liked their cake!

The party room and singing Happy Birthday

Alex, Bailey and Hannah....Matt....Aunt Jean and Brendan....Daphne as a princess.

Opening gifts
Everyone had a great time at the party!
Did I promise you three birthdays? Well.....we had a surprise birthday party for Carrie's dog, Sir Jameson!

The Birthday Dog!

A basket of gifts....Carrie shows us Jean's card....Laughter abounds.

The gifts and the Doggy Bags!
Kathy, Becky, Bill, Alex and Hannah attended Byronfest and had a great time.

At the Parade
Bill, Alex, Sean and Jeff....Hannah, Bill and Alex....A farm implement.

At least four groups of Shriners performed...wonderful!

The guy on the bike came by and Becky posed with Elvis!

The Judge....a silly bike....a bunch of old cars.
And then it was on to the carnival!

Hannah, Grandma Kathy and Alex on the ferris wheel....Hannah in a teacup.

Alex with a fish Grandma Kathy won for him in Whac-A-Mole and with Hannah in a fun house.

Alex on the Bumper Cars

Hannah in the bouncy thing....Alex and Hannah in the front seat of the roller coaster.
Two random pictures of Alex and Hannah

Alex with a bubble he blew....Hannah in her jammies playing with the jeep.
Alex's baseball was a double header!

Hannah eating a pear....Alex on first base.

At Bat

Covering second, playing shortstop and on third.
We had a picnic at the Rock River.

Alex and Hannah on a swing

The Waterfall
Washing Grandma Kathy's car before she headed home.

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