The Day After Thanksgiving
As seen through the eyes of five year old Hannah Hines
Parts of Grandma Kathy, Mommy and Alex...Daddy...Grandma Kathy again.
Grandma Kathy...the TV...Grandpa Terry, Alex and Mommy
Daddy and Grandpa Terry...Simba...the TV
Alex...Grandma Kathy...Travis
Grandma Kathy and Alex...the TV...Grandma Kathy with the pretty star
Our new furniture...Quincy...Simba
The pinball machine...the pool table...a close-up of Simba
The downstairs bathroom...the parrot and Alex...Aloha
Grandma Kathy acting silly...clock and pictures...13
Cue ball...picture of Hannah...pool table
The pool table
The pretty star...Quincy and Simba pose with the pretty star.
The rest of the marbles for the stairs...Alex and Grandma Kathy...a picture of Alex
A picture of Hannah...hallway...crackers and pretzels
Mommy...Daddy...Grandpa Terry
Tropical decoration...Demon cat Simba...the new TV
Alex...Quincy's paw...extreme close-up of Quincy
The pool table
Close-up of the bench/storage bin Mommy made...Alex's shirt...11
Self portrait...pinball machine...Grandma Kathy playing pinball
Pinball machine...Alex...pretty plate
Grandma Kathy and her Pepsi can
The parrot...Grandpa Terry sleeping and Daddy...a very beautiful picture
Grandma Kathy, Daddy and Simba pose with the very beautiful picture
Pinball machine...Quincy...ball
Cue of Alex at Disney
Grandma Kathy, Daddy, Alex...outside the patio door...Mommy
Outside...Grandma Kathy's sweater
Picture of Alex and Hannah...foot
Simba...self portraits
Self portrait and posing with Grandma Kathy
Silly Grandma Kathy...Alex
Quincy...self portrait...Quincy
These are the paws
Simba...Quincy...Grandma Kathy
Disco light...Hannah's room...toy box
Castle...dresser...princesses on clock
Other dresser...bed...clock
Wall plaques...ceiling light
Self portrait...Alex's room
Alex's room
Alex's room
Alex's room...self portrait...Alex's room
Alex and Grandpa Terry watching TV...Grandma Kathy reading in bed