Hannah's Graduation Party
Featuring Brianna Mrozek
May, 19, 2018
Fun poster of Hannah
Cakes from Becky....The one with the dog bones on top was the best!
Bri's table....Hannah's table....The terrific taco and fruit bar from the Mrozeks
This cracked me up....I took a faraway picture of Ollie and he heard the camera and ran to me and posed!
Hannah, Ollie and Brianna
Bill, Becky and Hannah....Hannah....Erin, Hannah and Daphne....Alex
Hey, let's try something!
Daphne and Hannah are the same height!....Hannah and Grandma Kathy
Daphne, Hannah and Erin
Ken and Kathy Mrozek....Kathy, Bri and Madelyn Vavra
Taking selfies with Ollie.....Checking one out....Posing for the camera.
Returning to very early childhood!
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