Alex (the Entomologist) and Hannah (the Ladybug) enjoy trick-or-treating in Loves Park.

Daphne (the Skunk) enjoys her first Halloween in Hammond.
At the Sumava Improvement Club Halloween Dance:

Terry was Judas with his 30 pieces of silver and Kathy was Annoying Cell Phone Lady

Kathy tells people to wait and then chats with Jen.

Jeff as Jesus.... Kenny, Jeff, Ruthie and Mark....Terry, Brian and Jeff

Brian Watson as Roy Horn, Jean as a Gospel Singer, and Greg as an CIA Agent

Nancy and Jeff, Josie, Josie and Jim, Jen and Darren

Chad and Rachel, Rachel and Shannon, Rachel, Shannon and Adam

Brian and Autumn, Adam, Shannon, Autumn and Brian....The Winners of the Costume Contest!

Jen, Jim and Laura....Jean and Barb
At Mojo's

Laura and Jean's hair.....Group shot (Laura, Libby, Jean, Greg, Barb and Tim)

Daphne "helped" me with this site.
Here she is telling me to "hold on" because she has one more thing to type.
Email Kathy