The Sound of Music
Petrillo Music Shell in Grant Park
August 28, 2007

Kathy, Laura, Daphne and Erin met Jean, Brendan and Owen here before our trip to Chicago
We met Jimmy in Chicago

At the Petrillo Music Shell, we set up an area to picnic and watch The Sound of Music

A few other people were there too!
We really had a great time clapping, laughing and booing with the audience!

We ate Robinson's ribs....Jean brought French Onion Soup (delicious)

Erin....Brendan....Jimmy (who gave Owen his first taste
of chocolate ice cream because Owen looked like he wanted some)

Daphne dancing....Grandma Kathy used Erin as a pillow....Daphne let Owen play with her boopie

Erin does her trick for Daddy (notice her extended leg)....Owen watched some of the movie

In the parking garage....a fun van we saw in the parking garage
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