Grandparents Day 2011
October 2011

Erin and her class singing for us. They were terrific!

Erin's desk.....One of the many cards she made for us

Mr. Myers and Erin demonstrated the Smart Board to all of us

Erin's poster about herself

Halloween decorations made by Erin

Erin....With Grandpa Jim....And Grandma Kathy....And Mr. Myers

Daphne's class danced for us: The Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide and the Macarena

Daphne dancing....With Principal Kiersma....Her long wavy hair

Daphne....With Grandpa Jim....And Grandma Kathy....And Mrs. Hannaway
Grandpa Jim bought the girls a bunch of books at the Book Fair. He was very generous and the girls were very happy.
Grandma Kathy bought posters for her seven Grandchildren:

This one for Hannah, Owen and Tessa

For Daphne and Erin

For Brendan

For Alex

A centerpiece made by Daphne and Erin with foilage from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Terry's yard
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