Garage Sale Here!
June, 2005

Our stuff and our sign

Madilynn Laffoon stopped by with Grandma Marilyn and parents Greg and Erica

Brendan's Grandma Nancy and cousins Brianna and Allyson stopped by to visit

The back of the garage had a play area for the Grandchildren

Jean and Laura said Kathy's stair stepper was way over-priced at $20.
It sold for $15.00 and left in the back of a pick-up truck.

Daphne practices for her circus career teaching bears to ride bikes.

Someone thought my camera was for sale and tried it out!

Daphne got in a can of frosting and tried to explain that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Brendan swinging and chomping on a puzzle piece of Grandpa Terry

Erin playing and napping


Daphne strangely dressed....posing....and playing in a barumba

Erin and Brendan for sale!

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