September 2008

I drove from Becky's in Byron to Pat's in Carol Stream and the rain was incredible. And it never let up. Some roads were very slow because of flooding and some roads were even closed.

We went to the retention pond at the end of Pat's street and noticed there were some fools on a boat in the distance! Insane!

Then we noticed that they were not on a boat! They were on an inflatable mattress! What were they thinking?

I don't believe this! They were "rowing" with snow shovels! I can't make this stuff up!
And Pat actually knew who the crazy people were!

It was Alissa, Bridget and Aunt Kathy!

Alissa practices rowing on the inflated mattress
Alissa and Bridget row to shore to pick up Aunt Kathy

Off we go....It was indeed raining the entire time....The furthest part of our cruise
The retention pond is a sports complex....The water was as deep as the snow shovel!

Coming ashore....helping Bridget get the raft on shore

Kathy claimed the land for herself

Pat took all the pictures....And he thought is was a good idea that we walked home (and didn't get in his car)

Daphne didn't have Kindergarten on Monday
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