Terry and Kathy Ward
9963 N 550 E
DeMotte, Indiana


Night--The Flag and the projection on the garage door

Becky, Bill, Alex and Hannah Hines
929 Westwind Drive
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Day Night

Pat, Kathy, Brian, Bridget and Alissa Corbet
110 East Thompson Drive
Wheaton, Illinois

Pat brought their flag inside to the computer camera

Eileen Corbet, Cherie and Carrie Dabbs
18526 Meadow Lane
Hazel Crest, Illinois

This looks suspiciously like the one on E-Bay

Mary Corbet
7523 Rohlich Ct. #5
Middleton, WI 53562
Mary's apartment is behind her on the lower level.

Laura and Jimmy Pistello
909 River Drive
Hammond, Indiana

Jen Pistello and Tom Maracich
8136 Sycamore
Highland, Indiana

Jeff Eppen
2042 Allison Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana

Jim and Josie Pistello
Rt. 10 and Hwy. 41
Lake Village, Indiana

Every Speedway we passed had a huge flag at half staff:

Bridal Elegance
(Where Jen Pistello and her Bridesmaids
bought their gowns for Jen's Wedding)
Highland, Indiana

Jean in the
Sumava Improvement Club
Sumava Resorts, Indiana

Jean, Jeff and Terry in
The Museum Of Science And Industry
Jackson Park
Chicago, Illinois

A flag atop a construction derrick
Rt. 2 West of Lowell, Indiana

This is scrolling across the bottom of the screen on our local cable station:

Route 30
Merrillville, Indiana

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