Fall Fun

Our neighbor's kittens and our sassafras trees.
Day Trip to Russel Farms

Hannah and Alex Hines....and Kyle and Kory Flanigan.
Riding on the train and going through the "tunnel"

Alex and Kyle.....Alex and Hannah

Hannah and Alex.....Kyle and Kory

The monster teeth were a great hit. The kids played games to win them.

The Hayride and Moonwalk

Daphne Pistello and pumpkins

Hannah, Daphne and Alex...Jean and Hannah...Laura and Daphne

Daphne and pumpkins and hay

Terry, Jean with Daphne, Kathy, Becky and Laura....setting Daphne up for a picture and Daphne in Aunt Jean's glasses

Feeding the Goats

Pony Rides

Wagon Rides

Alex with a caterpillar

Checking out the Flanigan's new Caboose....really neat!

Hannah and Alex show Daphne "the bat"....Jean and Laura come home from a Democratic Dinner at 3:15 a.m.

Alex wearing clothes made for him by Aunt Jean and Aunt Laura...using placemats

Posing for Fall Pictures

Daphne talking on Grandma Kathy's new cell phone...Jean and Jeff's Leprechaun
Trip to Baltimore
October 24-27, 2003
Kathy and Eileen flew out to visit Cherie and Spence
Laura and Daphne came out for the Breast Cancer Walk

Spence, Eileen and Cherie.....the kitchen

The dining room, frontroom and view from the balcony.

Eileen treated to a great dinner at Lone Star.
We played Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit and Cherie talked on Kathy's cell phone.

Laura's rental car.....Cherie going into apartment....Daphne enjoying a frozen wash cloth.

Laura drove to Fells Point where Eileen parked the car for her.
The spot was small and Eileen is an excellent parallel parker.
Laura poses by a tulip and Eileen leans on a post that kinda fell because it wasn't really attached to the ground.
Laughs all around!

You can see pictures of our walk here.

A pretty building.....lunch at Applebee's.....Eileen's lunch is elevated!

Laura took pictures of this inflated lamb for Jean

On Monday, Kathy, Eileen and Cherie went to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore.

We had a great seafood buffet and then Kathy posed with her boat!
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