Erin Turns 8

Grandma Kathy's pumpkin deviled eggs....Laura's apples. Jean provided a very nice spread of food

Wait a minute....OK

Brendan....Hannah....Jean paints Becky's face


Erin's school friends Nikki and Lyrik....Nikki's brother Seth....Olivia

Laura and her girls....Brendan, Owen, Daphne, Erin and Hannah
Painted pumpkins by the Lahms

Decorated Party Room

The Redwood Stage and karaoke setup
Painting pumpkins

The kids got to keep their pumpkins. They really seemed to enjoy painting them.
The Cake

Erin designed her "cake" and Jean made it. It's basically frosted ice cream
Opening Gifts

Erin's musical globe has Cinderella and her Prince in it

Erin read every card and hugged her fuzzy socks

Laughing out loud

Brendan...what the heck?
Playing downstairs

Ok, so Brendan explained to me that he was Chief of

Laura thought Tessa was writing on the drum set....Turned out she was writing on a piece of paper

Daphne and Tessa....Owen....Erin as a dog
On The Redwood Stage

First Tessa learned from The Master....Then she rocked out with her sisters and cousins and friends

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