Erin's First Birthday
October 2005

The Birthday Girl

The Cake...and Erin trying it.

Opening gifts....with help from Mommy and Kaci....the old remote is her favorite toy.

Daphne got some presents too....Daphne with Grandma Kathy and Daddy

Playing with the pinata and sharing the treats.

Brendan....Jeff and Breadan

Maddy plays with the drum as a drum....and then as a phone!

Brendan and Erin sucked on suckers that still had the paper on.

Maddy, Laura and Erin....Brendan, Erin and Maddy.

Stacy's pumpkins....Kaci and Mikala's painted pumpkins....Kaci and Mikala's painted faces.

Jean face painting....Eileen, Jimmy and Jeff.

Brendan tries on Erin's Halloween costume.

Happy Maddy in her jammies....Erin on Daddy.
Bonus Feature
An Erin Look-Alike Contest
Leave your cursor on the picture to see who it really is:

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