Erin Turns Five
October 2009
The Cake
The Story of The Cake
Erin ordered this cake from Aunt Jean and she had specific requirements: It must be three layers, have Strawberry Shortcake on top, have doors and windows on each layer and have snow. Jean considered coconut for snow but Erin said the white frosting was the snow. As you can imagine, Erin was thrilled.
When Erin was at my house, she said we were having pizza for her party. I mentioned this while talking to Jean and Jean said we were having home-made chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes, fruit and veggies. So Jean asked to talk to Erin to explain the change in menu. I called Erin to my office and said, "Your party co-ordinator would like to speak to you." She replied, "Oh, Aunt Jean is on the phone?"
The top of the cake....How Erin felt about her cake
Maddie, Erin and Daphne....Brendan and Maddie watch Aunt Jean put in the candles....Justin Carlton and Owen enjoy the cake
Decorating Pumpkins
Erin, Maddie, Brendan and Daphne....Grammy Jo and Erin....Erin and Maddie
Ally and Brendan
Brandon and his pumpkin
Pumpkins by Maddie, Brendan and Daphne
Time to Open Presents
After opening a gift from Maddie, Erin said, "Maddie, that is so sweet of you."
Erin really liked her presents
Laura dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Her mommy made her costume and put glitter on her shoes.
Grandma Kathy and Owen
Erin's Pistello Birthday Party at Heather's
Daphne and Cousin Maddie helped Erin with her gifts
Having a lot of fun and playing with Daddy
At Norm's Pumpkin Farm With Daddy and Heather
Erin and Daphne having a blast
Daphne really enjoys her ride
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