Erin's Third Birthday
Russel's Farms
October 2007

A Kiss From Dora

The pavillion at Russel's Farms....Beautiful trees

Erin checks out the Dora cake that Aunt Jean made for her. Hannah and Laura also check it out

The Cake....Erin then had her face painted

Daphne, Erin and Grandma Kathy get measured

Grandpa Jim, Grammy Jo and Erin....Althea, Josh and Jillian....Althea in Erin's crown

Jen and Maddie....Maddie's pretty fingernails

Hannah, Grammy Jo and Erin....Erin at the playground....Daphne....Journey, Josh and Daphne

Becky holding Hannah and Alex...Why yes, Hannah does have vampire teeth!

Brendan at the playground....And sitting on Uncle Jimmy while taking a break

Owen asleep and awake

Joselyn and Roger....Journey and Jill....Journey, Jenny and Roger....Journey and Roger

Roger, Jenny and Joselyn pick out a pumpkin for the goodie bag....Joselyn puts the pumpkin in her bag

Lots of presents....Maddie and Hannah help Erin open her gifts
Mommy hands Erin a gift....Erin....Erin

Erin....Grandpa Terry says Erin reminds him of a '57 Chevy...low to the ground with lots of chrome

Erin....Erin and Joselyn....Jill....And Brendan feed the goats


Jill....Jill with Brendan and Journey

Jenny, Joselyn, Tom and Jill....Althea, Erin, Grammy Jo and Jen....Grandpa Terry and Grandma Kathy

Althea holding Jillian, Erin, Grammy Jo and Jen
Tom, Maddie, Jimmy and Daphne
Jenny, Jill, Tom, Maddie and Daphne

A sight on the train ride....Tom, Maddie, Brendan and Daphne....Daphne....Erin and Josh

Daphne....Roger, Brendan, Joselyn and Journey....Travis, Karen, Jenna and Jacob

Karen, Jenna and Jacob....Josh....Alex

Joselyn and Journey....Joselyn and Journey....Brendan

Jenny, Roger, Brendan, Joselyn, Journey and Alex
Jenny and Roger
Alex, Joselyn, Journey, Brendan, Roger and Jenny

Joselyn, Journey, Brendan, Roger and Jenny....Hannah and Driver Wally....Wally pointing and talking

Maddie....Laura and Daphne

Josh, Erin and Jillian get a ride to the cars from Althea when it is time to leave

'Bye 'bye from Dora

Some of us went to Daphne's Pre-School Soup Dinner
Brendan headed for the stage to play while Daddy, Erin and Daphne had some soup

Jean....Owen....Grandma Kathy and Erin....Daphne and Daddy
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