Eileen Moves Out East
July, 2009

The Cake (by Jean) and Eileen

Erin, Daphne, Hannah and Brendan check out the tree house

Jean....Becky.....Cherie, Eileen and Carrie....Cherie and Eileen

Owen and Bridget....Colleen, Lana and Pat....Eileen opens a book from Becky featuring Alex and Hannah's first Cubs game with her and Becky.

Trish, Sue, Cherie, Kathy, Mike, Jim, Joe, Eileen and Carrie....Jim taking pictures....Eileen reacting to the party and gifts

Colleen checking out the Cubs book....Jim, Sue and Terry....Aunt Mary

Owie playing with Alex, Sean and Bridget (His ginger friend)

Hannah reading the Cubs book
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