Decorating Eggs

Daphne and Erin adding the color to the water....Erin dipping an egg

Dipping eggs and adding the glitter

The beautiful eggs
Easter Egg Hunt at the Lahm's

The Lahms and Carlsons had a huge 200 egg hunt for Erin, Daphne, Owen, Brendan, Brandon, Ally and Justin

There was a lot of ground to cover....Mike took videos....Jean and Jill helped Justin and Owen....A hidden egg

Jean and Jeff directing the troops....Brandon and Erin



Daphne's eggs....Owen's eggs....Just some of the stuff they all got
Easter Day at the Pistello's

The Easter Bunny was here!

Maddie and Daphne....Maddie, Erin and Daphne....Erin, Maddie and Daphne

Maddie and Erin....Daphne and Erin
Posing in their Easter clothes

Daphne and Erin

Erin is crying with laughter because the girls decided to pose silly

Their silly poses
This is a very fun video I really like:
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