Indiana Dunes Camping
August, 2014
Almost 30 Sweeneys
16 Corbets
Wonderful Fun

Michael, Ryan, Kiera, Liam, Erin, Daphne, Brendan and Owen

......And The Cheetos Cheetah
At The Campground

Kathy's tent....Lahm tent and canopy....Pistello tent....Jeff in front of Pat's camper

Bridget and Layla....Cookie from Jean

Dinner time

Laura, Erin and Kelly....Daphne....Grandma Kathy and Erin

Laura bought this at a flea market because she didn't know what it was.
We all guessed but we really couldn't figure it out.
So several people headed for Facebook for the answer:
Denise Tovar: For making cookies. You pull the slide thing back our the dough on and then push it onto the pan. It is suppose to be less messy.

Great dinner with the Sweeneys....Kennedy....Liam....Kiera and Ryan

The trail from the campground to the beach
At The Beach

Sand sculptures

Owen.....Kyle, Michael and Jim....Sue and Erin....Erin, Laura and Daphne....Bridget....Brian and Pat

Brian and Pat....Pat....Daphne....Brendan....Erin, Owen and Daphne....Jean and Owen

Nestle and Lulu

Heading in the water....Michael....David

Kennedy....Kaelyn and Kennedy....Michael


A fireproof glove....Thrown in the fire....No, I don't know why
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