Sandhill Cranes At Jasper-Pulaski
With Brendan and Owen
March 2013

Checking out the view with Grandpa Terry

There were a lot of sandhill cranes for us to see

Close-up....landing....Grandma Kathy....2006 Buick Terraza

Running up the ramp to the look-out

The trail back to the parking lot
Daphne's Math Bowl

Daphne's Team took Third Place
Daphne's Tenth Birthday Party
At Aunt Jean's

Aunt Jean played her guitar while we sang "Happy Birthday"

Great Aunt Sue and Kyle joined the celebration.....Daphne checked out her special banner

Daphne discovered her cake was really two cookies!

Opening fun gifts....and cash is always nice

Mustache band-aids!....A very fun party
Decorating Easter Eggs

Fun with the eggs
Owen Turns Six
Surprise Party at Grandma Kathy's and Grandpa Terry's

Decorations for the surprise party (three days before his birthday)

The cake....and blowing out the candle

Terrific Snap Circuits from Mom, Dad and Brendan
Cool Hot Wheels stuff from Laura, Daphne, Erin and Tessa

Not cool broccoli from Aunt Laura and family

Wonderful fun stuff from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Terry

Playing with the new toys

Jeff and Erin
Playing the egg game
Owen with his tornado
Quite a successful surprise party!
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