2011 Christmas Programs
And Fun Stuff
Erin's Bug Program at School

Daphne and Grandpa Terry....Tessa is wearing a bug outfit....Grandma Kathy and Tessa

Mr. Myers ushers in Erin's class....Erin was a lightning bug and performed with a flashlight....It was very cool

Neat decorations

Erin and her Grinch and stocking on her desk

Posing in front of a hall decoration
Owen's Christmas Party at Pre-School

Looks like Owen had a goofy, fun time
A Christmas Story at The Indiana Welcome Center in Hammond

Tessa....Owen and Brendan....Brendan is wearing the Scut Farkus raccoon hat

Jean and the boys check out a tree....Leg Lamp tree!....Tessa ran around and really enjoyed the sights

Terry had as much fun as the kids....A new window....Snow was actually falling in this window

Jean and Tessa....Jean said I had on an ugly Christmas sweater so she had me pose in front of the Ugly Lamps
Lunch at Cracker Barrel

We hit Cracker Barrel at lunch time and we had a long wait for a table.
After we were seated, we had a long wait for the food.
But the food was very good.
All three Grandchilren behaved perfectly.
I didn't have to remove any of them from the restaurant.
Which I have done before.

Owen and Brendan check out a checkers game and Tessa checks out a blue crayon

Grandpa Terry and Brendan share a laugh....Grandpa Terry colors....Tessa....Owen wants the camera
Our Annual Trip to Bass Pro Shops

Posing by the RedHead truck is a tradition

The large aquarium is a big hit

Owen watches Brendan run a remote-controlled truck

Tessa like this pheasant so much I bought it for her for Christmas.
After it was opened at our Christmas party, Jack confiscated it and it became his.
Tessa didn't mind.....after all it is dog toy.
Lahm vacation in Schaumburg

Cheering for the yellow knight


Hanging out in the hotel room
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