Christmas Programs
Alex at his Academic Team Meet

Setting up....The Undefeated 7th Grade Academic Team

Alex....Aunt Jeannie....Grandma Kathy
Alex Performs with the 7th Grade Band

Alex was one of only seven out of 112 students who made the IMEA Band (Illinois Music Education Asociation)
It's a very big deal!

Erin....Brendan....Owen....Erin and Brendan

Alex introduced the first selection....Playing....You can see Alex here
The giant nutcrackers decorated the new auditorium
Erin sings with her Pre-school class

A very happy Erin

Singing and signing Silent Night....Maracas!
Daphne and Erin cheer with the High School Cheerleaders

How Daphne and Erin wait for their chance to cheer

Daddy bought tickets for a drawing to win a chance for the girls to cheer with the big cheerleaders during a quarter
Erin won the second quarter....She was quite thrilled
She didn't know the cheers so she kinda made up her own....cracked us up!

Does this girl look like she's having fun?

Standing around and waiting like a pro....On the shoulders of her mentor
Erin was told to wait on the sideline while the girls went on the floor
Then a boy cheerleader put her on his shoulders and took her to the floor
Wow....she was delighted

Erin performing

Daphne waiting to perform....She was perfect!

The High Schoolers do a Christmas cheer

Erin and Daphne....Daphne quite happy with her perfect performance....Daphne and Grammy Jo look at the video

Jimmy, Erin and Heather....Jimmy, Erin, Daphne and Grammy Jo

Erin: "Grandma, come quick, I made The Grinch Mountain out of my whipped cream"
Terry sometimes gives the girls chocolate waffles with whipped cream for breakfast

Daphne ready to go hunting with Daddy....yeah really....they saw a deer but didn't get a shot
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