Christmas 2011
At Jim and Sue's on Christmas Eve

Kathy's yo-yos and Jean's cake

Preparing to sing


Jimmy opening a gift

Laura and Tessa couldn't come because Tessa had pink eye.
Laura sent a giant Gummy Bear for Daphne and Erin

Jim and Sue gave Brendan and Owen guns that shot nerf darts.
Sean shot one at Jim and it stuck on his face.
At the Hineses on Christmas Morning

At the Lahms on Christmas Morning

At Bernice Ward's on Christmas Day

Bernice....Terry....Phil....Kenny Burger and Lindsey
At Jean and Jeff's on New Years Eve

The Grandkids and Granddog pose for pictures


Jean serves home-made funnel cake to the Birthday Boys Brendan and Terry

Kathy, Terry and Tessa....Terry and Jack....Jack....Owen and his Best Guy Ever Alex

Musical entertainment from Alex, Jean and Brendan
Opening Gifts

Jack took the pheasant I bought for Tessa and made it his own

Laura checks out the shadow box from Becky. Jean and Kathy also got one.

Tessa models her new robe....It originally belonged to Sean Corbet.
Brendan and Owen also used it.
The Auction....We bring white elephant gifts and bid on them with Monopoly money

Alex runs the auction. He is laughing maniacally in the second picture because he decided to auction off an empty box.
Becky brought mustaches for all of us to pose with

The Redwood Stage

Erin runs the kareoke machine....The audience enjoys the show
Jean's New Years Eve Cleansing Ritual....It involves a blanket, balls, hats, dancing and laughing

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