Christmas 2010
Jim and Sue's on Christmas Eve

The decorated deck and Jim's ice sculpture

The fireplace....the tree....Owen and Brendan were very happy to be at "Kyle's House"

I spelled out my name with the Scrabble Cheez-its....Sean added the second word!

The neon chili lights....New chili lights acquired after Christmas....They were up for Valentine's Day and will be used for Christmas next year

Owen grabbed my hand and said, "Look, Grandma, I found two chocolate houses!"....The security light on the house

Alissa and Mike open some cans....The terrific prime rib...Mary, Dave, Tessa, Laura and Sue

Jean, Bridget and Alissa tried to trick Mike into holding Tessa....Tessa and Grandpa Terry....Tessa and Alissa....Tessa and Sean

The three brothers start the singing....Keith, Terry and Michael....Sean, Cory, Charlotte, John and Mike....Michael, Adam, Hunter and Kathy
Pat is holding the new Christmas Stick made by Jim

Mike, Pat, Jeff, Tessa, Dave, Michael and Jim....Laura and Kathy....Michael drumming....Mary, Owen and Brendan

Owen (who was more interested in food than singing)....Brendan....Jean, Daphne, Brian, Sean, Adam and Charlotte....Bridget, Brendan and Erin

Erin, Daphne, Brian and Sean....The Four Calling Birds....Hunter

Owen in a gas mask....Charlotte and Jeff playing Catchphrase
Becky and Bill's on Christmas Morning

Besides a great trip to Disney, Hannah and Alex had plenty of gifts to open

Bill watching Hannah opening her record player....I would say she liked it!

Alex and Hannah also got Easter eggs....Jack likes his new toy

Bill was happily surprised with his gift

Quincy gets a close-up look at one of Becky's villages....Note the addition of Jack (in the third picture)
Jean and Jeff's on Christmas Morning

Digging in

These are two very happy boys!

Jean's candle holders and Jeff's leatherman

Can't you just feel the joy?
Jimmy and Heather's on Christmas Morning

All ready for Daphne and Erin

Opening all the gifts....And then displaying them!

Erin helping Daddy open a gift

Opening even more gifts with Cousin Maddie

Posing with new stuffed animals

Adorable girls in their matching outfits
Kathy and Terry's on Christmas Afternoon

Phil, Lindsey, Ma, Kathy and Terry
Jean and Jeff's on New Year's Eve

Brendan and his birthday cake....Hanging out

Alex enjoying an "instant dessert", as Grandpa Terry calls it....Hannah and Owen playing the new Wii

Playing Bananagrams....Owen in the toy room

Playing Outburst

This is the second year of the Cleansing Ritural.
Each person is put in a sheet, then balls are thrown on the person.
Two other people agitate the sheet so the person is cleansed of bad stuff.
Yes, this really is the second year of this ritual.
The Hineses Come Over For Lunch on New Year's Day

Ham sandwiches, deviled eggs and French Onion soup....Terry's gift from Jim and Sue lent the right touch of whimsical fun

Kathy....Becky....Hannah....Alex, the Leg Lamp and Jack
Ward Family Christmas at Jean and Jeff's on New Year's Day

Grandma brought an hors d'oeuvres of cheese, crackers and a black and green olive tampanade.
Owen and Brendan liked the cheese and crackers.

The tree....the new mantle....Christmas cards

All set up for our Japanese dinner

Becky attempted an onion volcano

Mushrooms....Grandma Kathy and Jean....Becky

Checking out the table....With Grandpa Terry....As Jean's hat

With Hannah, Erin and Daphne

With Alex....And Laura....And Owen....And napping with Grandpa Terry
Dancing with the Wii

Notice that Tessa is on the floor facing the dancers....That's where Grandpa Terry is looking and smiling


Tessa joined in by moving her feet

Terry plays his birthday lottery tickets....Jeff plays with Owen

Bill and Tessa

Alex and Tessa

Tessa really liked her outfit from The Lahms....She thought it was delicious....Dave naps on the shark pillow pet
Some Gifts

New pajamas....Fun stuff

Fun gifts galore

Tessa in a funny hat

Tessa....Tessa and Hannah....Owen in his toy room

Posing in the new pajamas

Hannah conducted the auction this year....And Jeff bid from the floor

Auction gifts
The Churpumple
A Churpumple is a desert made with three pies and three different cake batters.
Jean did a great job with her very first churpumple.

The churpumple had its own shelf in the refrigerator....It's a huge cake

The inside of the cake...And the breakdown....Everyone really liked it...especially Brendan and Owen!
A Skit From The Blues Brothers

Bill as Matt Murphy and Jean as his wife....Alex and Hannah were Jake and Elwood

Singing Think
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