Christmas 2008
Laura on Southwest Airlines

Laura and Karen Tiller....Karen, Rick Nichols and Laura....Rick and Karen

Laura, A Snow White Bank (Erin's observation) and Karen....Laura and Karen....Laura, A Soldier and Karen

At the airport in Nashville, this guy was singing in a snow globe!
The Hines Family in Disney World for Christmas

See their great pictures here!
At Jim and Sue's on Christmas Eve

Erin and Daphne....Alissa, Jean, Bridget and Brian....Checking out Daphne on the floor....Pat and Kathy

Singing Away

Let's do The 12 Days of Christmas

Jean, Laura, Bridget and Alissa had adorable hand gestures to go with their singing. Kathy and Jimmy didn't.

Terry got a fish sprinkler....Daphne and her necklaces from Aunt Mary....Erin....Owen hauling around his and Brendan's gifts from Aunt Mary

We played games: Bridget, Michael and Alissa....Michael and the candle incident....Then he had a pop incident

Sue, Jim, John and Sean....Kathy, Brian, John and Jimmy....Terry playing with Owie

After a wonderful dinner, Jeff and Jimmy fell asleep
At the Gas City (formerly Crazy D's)

Jean and Laura had a party with some of their High School friends at a local bar.
Their Designated Driver picked them up and they spent from 3-5 a.m. having breakfast.
Jean, Kathy and Jimmy
Amy Augustine and Renee Chorzempa also joined The Kath Cab for a ride home.
Festivus at Jean and Jeff's

After Brendan's Birthday Party and before Festivus, Erin took a little nap

With Grandpa Terry and Jack

Opening a mountain of presents
Homemade gifts from Grandma Kathy

Alex got an organizer for the side of his bed (He helped Grandma Kathy design it)....Hannah got a scrap booking apron and matching scrap booking purse

Daphne and Erin got Pocahontas Outfits....Brendan and Owen got Lizards....Jack and the Lizards
Homemade Scrap Books from Aunt Becky

Laura....Owen....Daphne....Bill (Erin and Brendan also got great scrap books)

Terry admires his new velvet painting of Elvis

Playing with Daphne's remote-controlled helicopter

Playing with Alex's wall climbing car....Bill tried it on the slanted ceiling and it didn't work

Posing in their new pajamas from their Mommies....Playing Airplane

After we exchanged lottery tickets and had an auction, we had some fancy cheese, grapes, crackers and candy.
Then we played Chocolate Trivial Pursuit where you won a piece of chocolate for guessing correct answers.

Jeff and Owen....Terry with Kathy's glasses....Brendan, Kathy and Bill

Jean, Brendan, Kathy and Bill....Daphne put a rubber duck on Laura's chair and Laura sat on it....Jean won the game and the golden coin.

Becky made a snake out of a small rum cake.
Our grievances this year were about the economy, gas prices and bad singing
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