Becky picked up Mary in Madison...and made the stuffing

Alex, Hannah and Mary......Becky cooking
Christmas Eve at Jim and Sue's

The Gifts...Daphne and Kyle...Eileen looking at Jim's Wonderful Wall of Pictures!

Hannah took this picture of her Daddy
Singing Christmas Carols
Pat, Kyle, Bridget and Alex
Terry, Bill and Becky

Jim, Kathy, Jimmy, Mike, Sean, Brian and Hannah
Bridget, Alex, Mary Harland, Michael and Alissa

Jimmy and Daphne
Jim sang Five Goooooollllldddddd Rings
Pat got another Great gift from Terry
Santa Claus found Alex and Hannah at Grandma Kathy's and Grandpa Terry's

The tree...Alex opening gifts

Opening gifts then Jean and Hannah played with Blo Paint
The Wards came over for Christmas Dinner

Hannah...Lindsey and Alex...Grandma Kathy plays Brain Warp while Alex watches her

Hannah plays with the cotton that was in the Kiddie table decoration (and they got to keep the socks!)

Ma, Hannah and Kathy....Hannah....Phil, Alex and Gramps

Alex....Gramps plays Brain Warp while Phil and Terry look on....Hannah fell asleep so we decorated her
The day after Christmas, we went to Lincoln Park Zoo

Just a few of the million lights we enjoyed

We had dinner at the Zoo....Hannah wore a bucket on her head for an hour....Alex and Grandpa Terry

Sean and Kristen....Hannah, Alex (pretending to be asleep) and Mary

Alex and Hannah....fish....a lighted tree

Kristen, Frosty and Sean....Hannah and Frosty....Kristen and Hannah

Michael pouring a cup of Hannah....Alex....Hannah

Alex and Michael....Hannah and Kristen....Alex and Great Aunt Sue

Bill by the Exelon sign.....that's where Bill works
Ward Family Festivus

Before the festivities, Grandpa played in the garage and Jeff put the finishing touches on his homemade gift

The Program

The gifts under the tree....the fireplace with Santa's cookie plate....opening gifts
Opening more gifts

Yet more gifts. Jeff really liked his fish mail box!

The first Survivor Game involved opening boxes and putting a puzzle together in under four minutes.
Since Becky and Bill tried the hardest, they won the fake $25.00 Gift Certificate

The second Survivor Game consisted of spinning a wheel and eating horrible food.
For example, I ate a grasshopper, a pizza roll with peanut M & M's in it....yuck!
Becky had one filled with horseradish. Kathy shows her tongue because the eating was timed.
Terry shows his tongue. Kathy and Jeff had an eat off and Jeff won!
Daphne enjoyed her first Christmas!

We opened the homemade gifts. Terry read a very heart-felt poem from Jimmy
(it was ghost-written by Laura) and we all cracked up!

Back upstairs, we played a Murder Mystery Game. Jimmy was happy that Jeff was the murderer!

Terry and Simba played Roy Horn, Hannah showed us her mean face and Jeff napped with Hello Kitty
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