Oak Lawn Children's Museum
A Farm
Kathy, Eileen, Carrie, Becky, Alex, Hannah, Jean, Brendan and Owen
November 10, 2007
Their website
The Museum (shown actual size)
Piling in....Brendan headed straight to the water table
The adults sat on or around the big fireplace
Hannah goes after Owen with a shark while Alex holds him
A puppy....Alex positioning Owen for the puppet show by Kathy, Eileen and Hannah
Kathy with a crab....Eileen with Santa and an octopus....Owen becomes part of the show
I was talking with Alex about the puppet show later and he said he liked it.
He really did ask, "What was the deal with Santa?"
I couldn't quite explain Aunt Eileen to him.
Brendan became a fireman and Owen rolled around
Hannah in the rocking fish....Owen....Brendan back at the water table
Alex built several towers....Then he and Aunt Jean built one together
Hannah built a cabin with giant Lincoln Logs
Owen enjoys the cabin....Alex and Brendan in the cabin with Hannah
Destroying the cabin and putting the logs away
A random picture of Jean and Owen
The completed tower....Brendan was allowed to destroy it....and had fun doing so
We lunched at TGIF Friday's
Brendan....Jean....Hannah feeding Owen
Alex....Carrie and Eileen
So Eileen, Becky and Jean were planning a place for adults to play with their childhood toys. Eileen was trying to explain that she didn't want very old toys there, just the toys that people living today actually played with as children. But this sentiment came out as "We should only market to live people." This sent both Eileen and Becky in to a laughing fit. As you can see above, they laughed 'til they cried.
Alex behind a balloon....Winter is right around the corner!
Our next stop was this farm
Hannah pushing Brendan and Owen....petting a duck....the duck smiling
The horses....A horse smiling
Brendan picked up a chicken....and put it in the coop....his chicken in the coop....Hannah petting a chicken
Brendan picked up his chicken several times and put it in the coop twice
Hog and bunnies
Alex pets three sheep at once....Brendan looks for a tail....Petting the donkey (which our guide called a pony)
Posing for pictures that Hannah took
A cat....The Nutrition Circle (Of Life)....Brendan on an ancient tractor
Becky, Alex and Hannah headed home....The rest of us saw The Bee Movie
Brendan and Owen were excellent....and fell asleep in the van for the ride home
Spoke Too Soon Section
Sometime during the day some of us were talking about the soldiers that guard our computers. I said I was surprised that Daphne and Erin didn't play with them. Then I noticed these soldiers on my treadmill. The Indian is from a set of Lincoln Logs.
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