 The Delightful Dozen Pat Corbet, Sean Corbet, Kyle Corbet, Brian Corbet Alissa Corbet, Bridget Corbet, Michael Corbet, Kathy Ward, Terry Ward Jim Corbet, Kathy Corbet and Sue Corbet
 The Marriott, Terry in his usual spot and our fan on top of our refrigerator.
 Our view from Room 511 at the Marriott...the really neat turtle pond. In the third picture, the arrow points to our view of the ocean!
 Kyle in the Regal Beach Condo.....Michael and Kyle....The pool.
 Views on Seven Mile Beach.
 Michael in the Ocean.
 During the Survivor Game, the contestants guessed Kathy's birthday, swam a relay race, blew bubbles with gum and searched for their Treasure. The immunity idol was almost two inches high!

Fun at the Blow Holes
 A weird formation in the Botanical Gardens and a Blue Iguana in captivity.
 Some Blue Iguanas up close and personal! They roam free in the Gardens!
 Getting ready to pose and posing!
 The Turtles, The Stingrays and The Wards. (I had my hair braided!)
 At Rum Point, Michael was buried and decorated.
 Lunch time....and the photographer takes a break!
 Jimmy found a baby conch at Rum Point.
 Bridget and Terry wait for the shoppers to get done. Kyle and Sue went on the Submarine Atlantis.
 Oh yeah, ummm, I got a tattoo of a palm tree on my arm. Yes! It is real!
 I'm not sure I'm supposed to tell you who beat his Mother for the first time in tennis.....oops!
The following nine pictures of our divers are from Neptune's Divers 
 Sean, Pat, Brian, Jim and Michael.....Michael and Jim......Guys in the wreck.
 Guys in the wreck and Pat.
 Jim and Michael.....Brian.....Jim and Sean
 Turtles at the Turtle Farm
 Terry picked up a turtle for Kathy and Alissa.
 The Corbets also enjoyed the Turtle Farm on the last day before heading to the Airport.

 Alissa, Kathy and Terry in Hell.
 Alissa and Pat wait to Parasail.....Up in the Air!
 The Parasailors return from a great trip!
 The Corbets and their visitors. (I need some names here please)
 On the Jolly Roger and Sue with dinner.
 At the top of the ship and the view from there.
 Party On!
 The Sunset and our Hotel and Condos as seen from the Jolly Roger.
 Pat discovered on the Internet that on this night, five planets would be visible around the Moon! Really cool stuff!
 We watched Jerri get kicked off the island in Survivor and we ate at two Burger Kings.
 We had room service after our all-day snorkeling trip and Terry waves Bye-bye to the Sun.
On Thursday, we headed out on an all-day snorkeling trip (With Captain Frank's Watersports--our favorite!):
 I used my waterproof cell phone while I was snorkeling!

 Beautiful Coral and a Tarpon.
 Alissa, Terry, Sean and Brian.
 Our boat was driven by Captain Ollie.
 Michael, Alissa and Pat jumping from the top of the boat.
 Bridget didn't go in the water too much so Captain Ollie had her haul up the anchor. She did go in the water at Stingray City. And she drove the boat for about 1/2 hour!
 Brian and Sean.
 A couple of the Stingrays.
 Terry, Kyle and Captain Ollie play with the Stingrays.
 Kyle liked the Stingrays and they liked him! A couple of them followed him around.
 It was the first time I ever held a Stingray....Kinda gross!
 Michael and Kyle hold the animal in the conch shell. Captain Ollie served it on crackers....very good!
 Eating at The Cracked Conch and Hooks
 Wonderful sunset.
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