Camping at Raccoon Lake
July 2010

We loaded Jean's mini-van with 2 adults, 5 kids, 2 tents, a canopy, a cooler, a stove, chairs, pillows, blankets, clothes and a fan.
It was a little snug.

The campsite and the camping kids: Brendan, Erin, Hunter, Daphne and Owen.

After dinner we roasted freakishly large marshmellows.

Then we went to bed.

The Nature viewing window at the Nature Center. Kathy really likes the hummingbirds.

Jean talks about the touchable artifacts. Daphne and Hunter touch stuff.

So there was this cowboy there giving a talk on fire safety.
Then Smokey The Bear came out to see his birthday cake because it was his birthday!
Hunter pretending he is afraid of

We all got cake and the kids got a fishing bobber, coloring book and poster. Fun time.

Crossing the suspension bridge to get to the great hiking.

Wedge Rock....Grandma Kathy explains the rule: No kid can get ahead of the adults

Hiking....A pretty rock...Posing

Creek Walking....Some of the kids needed some help with this.

Playing in the punchbowl.

Posing again....It drizzled a little so we got out some ponchos.

One of our favorite places

Jean and Kathy....In the Ferris Wheel seat cream

Jean made a menu and we stuck to it....Pretty food....Owen digs in

Visitors! Jean, Owen, Stacey Bonisa and Tessa....Jean, Owen, Stacey, Tessa and Erin....Dave and Tessa

Erin, Laura and Daphne....Dave....The campsite

Tessa's first hike (at two weeks old)....Hunter

Owen inside and outside the tent....Grandma Kathy demonstrates how to heat up her travel warmies.

Swimming in Raccoon Lake

Hot dogs for dinner....Daphne was very patient while Owen played with her.

Brendan and Erin had a small disagreement so Jean told them to hug it out. When they did, they both fell to the ground....and laughed.

Posing and having fun




The Jiffy actually came out pretty well

Glow stick fun

The fire going out....more glow stick fun

Jean texting while in bed....We played Bananagrams....The glow sticks in the morning

Jean put whipped cream on her fancy coffee and gave Erin a mouthful....Owen with his Fruit Loops....This leaf fell on Daphne's lap and became her Lucky Leaf

Stopping for lunch and fun in the play room

Eating the ice cream outside....Erin lost her first tooth on the ride home!

Two new additions to the camping bedroom: Smokey's poster and Daphne's Lucky Leaf
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