Lake Kegonsa State Park, Wisconsin

Veteran campers:
Kelly and Sean Hayes, the Johnson Family, Male and Female Lintner

Aaron and Lara, Mel and Kimmie, the last time camping as "Alms"

Dan and Christine: Cubs fans? Who knew?

Ring of fire...who can resist Veronica's smile?
Brendan...Christine was found napping in Brendan's Pack-N-Play

Everyone enjoys the "picnic" atmosphere

Bacon is a favorite food of this pregnant woman in particular!

Young Caleb does it again and shows his mighty catch

Dan brought the greatest device known to mankind:
the hydro-waitress, seen here delivering beers in the water

Indeed, no coaxing needed for Brendan

Roasting marshmallows around the fire

The cornhole and euchre tournaments are underway!
Congratulations to the winners!

Great Cornholios are
Good Cornholios are Male Lintner and Jean
Big Bowers are
Little Bowers are Christine Alms and Female Lintner.
(Email Kathy if you know who these winners are!)

2007: Raccoon Lake July 13-16th
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