June 27, 2007
Kathy and Terry Ward
Becky, Alex and Hannah Hines
Jean, Brendan and Owen Lahm
Laura, Daphne and Erin Pistello

In the Butterfly Garden: Becky has a butterfly on her....Brendan checks out the scene

Alex....Hannah....Brendan and Hannah

Hannah....a pretty butterfly....Jean, Hannah and Alex check out bugs


Lunch time....Erin....Alex enjoys his pizza

Hannah....Owen asleep and awake

Becky presented us with this flyer and suggested we keep our
eyes open for this traveling exhibit. We all agreed to watch for it.

We watched this sea lion for quite a while because he was playing with a quarter.

The zebras watching a bear....the bear....Jean and Brendan


Everyone really liked the Dolphin Show

Brendan and Owen....Erin and Brendan....Brendan, Owen and Jean....Brendan

Owen and Jean....Brendan and Owen....a couple of lines of us

Laura and Owen....Owen is sooo big....group shots

The Show

Great Time!

In the Children's Petting Zoo....Flowers....Daphne and Hannah....Flowers

A donkey....a duck....a llama

Petting the goats

What fun!

Playing in the rain: Daphne and Erin....Brendan....Daphne, Hannah, Erin and Brendan

Brendan is his own rain coat....Alex and Laura play....Hannah and Alex try on silly hats

Daphne and Hannah....Brendan and Erin

Stingrays to pet!

Terry dove right in....Hannah, Daphne and Laura....Alex and Terry....Daphne, Hannah, Erin, Terry and Becky

Hannah and Erin....Terry, Hannah, Becky and Daphne....Alex....Kathy and Brendan

Owen and Jean....Daphne and Erin....Brendan....Terry (who got wetter than the kids) and Hannah

Update on the Circle of Life exhibit. So Alex and Laura finally asked a Zoo employee where the exhibit was located. He didn't know so he referred them to another employee. That employee also didn't know where the exhibit was. A third employee planned to use his walkie-talkie to find out. That's when Laura noticed Becky and Jean were laughing so hard they couldn't talk. Laura realized it was a prank and asked to have Becky and Jean evicted from the Zoo. The flyer was fake! Just another Ward outing!

Geese in a moat....Chipmunk posing....Daphne watching a rhino

You just can't beat a good puddle!

The last time we saw Alex before he got lost....Daphne....Hannah and Erin

The adult giraffes....the cute little baby giraffe....Hannah, Daphne and Erin....Daphne, Hannah and Erin.
It was while we were taking the last two pictures above that we realized that Alex was lost. Becky and Laura ended up on separate golf carts with Zoo employees to try and find him. He was eventually found at the police station at one of the exits. As soon as Alex realized he was lost, he turned himself in at a concession stand....exactly what he was supposed to do. We were all very glad to be reunited.

A storm rolled in....Alex actually got a picture of one of the strikes of lightning!

So we went on the carousal: Laura and Erin....Laura and Erin on the zebra....Daphne....Hannah

Alex....Daphne (and Kathy)....Erin, Laura and Daphne

Laura and her girls headed to see monkeys....Daphne took the close-up of Kathy's umbrella....
the rest of the gang went on a 45 minute tram ride.

Daphne poses in a gorilla's shirt....and drinks from a water fountain with Erin

Daphne and Erin really liked this waterfall and bridge

Some of the animals they saw


Kathy and Terry tried to get a nice picture of them with all six grandkids.
I think next time we'll try to take it earlier in the day!

Why yes, Erin, I am finally done with this website!
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