Click on the small picture to see it larger
We followed the signs, borrowed a cooler, and Kathy and Laura posed by some of the decorations.

We checked out the terrific cabin.
Daphne had a blast and Larry cooked pudgy pies for everyone.

Brenda checked pictures with Jay before handing out barf bags for our cameras and cell phones.
The bags kept our electronics dry during a brief rain.
Karen participated in the Pass the Jagermeister game.

Jean and Jeff arrived just after midnight and Larry and Jay helped Jeff set up their tent.
Brenda and Jay kept the fire stoked in the hog roaster while we waited for the hog.
The next 15 pictures are pretty graphic. They show Jean cutting off the head of the 200 pound hog and the butchering of the cooked hog. If you are a little squeamish,
click here to skip this part.

Jean volunteered to cut the head off the hog. Jay marked where she should
cut and away she went. During this task, we sang Happy Birthday to her.

The hog was then injected with butter, garlic and teriyaki sauce.

The next evening, the hog was done and Jean helped butcher it. (OK, she actually cut off a small piece--the real work was done by the pros!).
And a delicious deep fried turkey was added to the feast.

The real Conservationist Officer Don approached Jean and sternly asked her to produce the tag for the hog's head she cut off. She tried to convince him the hog swallowed it. Then we all cracked up.
Jeff, Terry, Kathy and Laura lounged around the campsite.

Brenda decorated Jean and Jeff's tent before they got up to celebrate Jean's birthday.
Brenda even caught a monkoon for Jean.

Daphne poses with Daddy, Mitchell and Drew.

Jean opened Birthday gifts, blew candles out on her "cake" and lit her strawberry candle.
And then posed with her Mama.

Scenes around the site and Jean cuts off a turkey leg.

The food tent and Hawaiian statue.

Jean's monkoon started drinking, we posed for picture portraits. Pretty flowers.

Daphne with Miranda and Daddy

The game area and the penny scramble.

The Pinata.

The egg toss. Kathy and Terry made it to 3rd or 4th place with a very lucky egg.

The Tacky Tourist Game.

Brenda hula hooped and her Aunt sang karaoke.

Jean and Laura sang while Jeff danced. Laura, Valinda, Brenda
and Jean sang about their adventure aboard the burning cruise ship.

Paul, Denise, Miranda and Hunter. Hunter tries to put rabbit ears on Jimmy.

Karaoke and Dancing!

Daphne enjoyed the early morning and we took a final picture before the ride home.

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