April 2002 in Virginia Beach
Featuring Kathy Ward, Bill Hines, Becky Hines, Alex Hines and Hannah Hines
Birthday Party at Miss Lorraine's

Grandma Kathy lit the candles and Alex helped pass out the goodies.

Mommy presented the cake....the boys sat at one table and the girls sat at the other one!

Everyone had fun with their blowers.
Back Home

Playing on the swing set.

They each had a sucker and somehow Hannah got hers caught in her hair. Grandma licked it out for her and it was all good!

Grandma and Hannah.....Webb's Crab Shack where we had a great meal......Hannah and Alex wait patiently for their macaroni and cheese.
Birthday Party!
Hannah and Alex share the same birthday.....Alex turned 5 and Hannah turned 2.

Opening presents.

Trying on shoes......another present.......checking out the Guess Who Loves You! cards.

More presents.

Playing with presents......the cake.
A Trip To The Zoo

The tiger was sooooo close.....Alex talks on the phone with Aunt Laura.

Fun with a caterpillar.

Alex and Grandma......the Hines Kids perform on stage.....looking at the water.

Checking out animals and fun at the Petting Zoo.
Back Home Again!

Playing Guess Who Loves You!......Alex waits "patiently" while Grandma sets up the cards to show him his family tree.

So we went outside and the grass was wet and freshly cut. They didn't want to walk on the grass so I sent them inside for their shoes.....and Hannah came out in these noisy, goofy shoes that didn't even match.....sheesh!

We got free ice cream at Ben and Jerry's! What fun! At then we stopped for gas at Wawa.

We were outside taking nice pictures when they spotted the moon. For some reason, the moon makes them happy!

The nice pictures.
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