Trip to Alabama
March 2015
Grandma Kathy
Becky, Alex and Hannah
Jean, Brendan and Owen
Daphne and Erin

Our first stop: Brunch at Mama Lou's in Kentucky....Exit 65 off I-65 then 1/2 block west

Erin and Brendan....Owen....Kathy....My driver, Jean

Comfort Suites in Frankfort, Ky....Great place!
Erin in her selfie shirt....Matching pictures
Becky and Alex were also with us...just didn't show up in the pictures this time

Daphne prentended to be surprised at her Surprise Party....Cupcakes....Gifts

Daphne....Erin and Brendan (The Tenners because they are both 10 years old)
The Surprise Party was also for Alex, Hannah and Owen
The Tenners also got a few gifts
Fun party with a lot of laughs

This is how Erin came down to breakfast (She, Daphne and Hannah were also barefoot)
An employee noticed there were seven of us and the breakfast room was crowded...
So he set up the conference room for us!....Really nice place and people!

I have food in my mouth and Owen is chanting at me about being
Jean spent our entire breakfast running a meeting where we decided to sell sparkling lemonade
Our entire breakfast....notice her pounding her hand for emphasis
We thanked the Comfort Suites for their hospitality
Erin floating back to our room

Henry Horton has 83 picnic sites in a very scenic picnic area located on the shores of the Duck River.
Tables and grills are provided and water, restrooms, playgrounds, and playfields are located nearby.
So we stopped for a break and snacks...In Chapel Hill, TN


Owen....Kiss by the Duck River....My Terraza and Becky's Fighting Chicken
Danny and Linda's home is wonderful!
Their guest room is huge...Queen size bed...Queen size air mattress and room for another air mattress!
We had access to two laptops in our room and a private bathroom! Also, fresh flowers!
Seven or eight of us slept comfortably in that great room.
And here's where I didn't use my camera and should have:
Danny and Linda gave us gift bags:

Some of the gifts for the Lahms

Waterman pens for Kathy, Jean and Becky....Ipad Minis for Daphne and Erin....Headphones for Alex and Hannah....Moon pies for All!

We were all thrilled and Daphne and Erin were actually speechless!
And then Danny and Linda took us out to dinner!

Great Place with terrific seafood!

Entering....Tin plates for the apetizers (corn bread and cole slaw)
Why yes, Brendan does have seven or eight lemons on his water glass

Out back on the pier to see the sunset

Wonder if Jean and Teresa are related?
And a perfect little photo bomb from Erin!

Jean took this group photo

Danny and Linda....Becky....Rhonda and Brian

Jean, Owen, Daphne and Erin....Teresa and Bradford....Daphne, Erin and the golf tee game....Alex and Brendan

Checking out the terrain before going in the museum

At The Tennessee Aquarium
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Back Row: Brandon, Brian, Bradford, Alex, Danny, Linda, Grandma Kathy, Jean, Daphne
Front Row: Carly, Teresa, Becky, Hannah, Rhonda, Brendan, Owen, Erin
Brendan, Alex, Erin, Daphne and Kathy....Jean, Alex and Brendan....Hannah....The otters put on a show....Hannah, Danny and Bradford

Carly and Brandon....Danny, Hannah and Erin....Rhonda, Brian and Brendan...Brendan and Bradford....Bradford and Jean

Kathy...Brian....Critter....Brandon and Teresa....Alex photobombs

We had a snack outside of the Aquarium before walking a little bit to the Ducks

Ramp to the Tennessee River and sights along our ride

Jean was the first to drive the duck (After Captain Bill)
She got in trouble because she took this picture while she was driving
Brendan reacts to Mom's driving
Teresa got in position to take wonderful pictures of all of our drivers

Brandon....Carly....Hannah....Owen....Jean reacts to Owen's driving


Hannah, Becky and Danny....Brendan with his head over the side, Erin and Grandma Kathy....Linda and Owen....A couple more ducks

Back to the Aquarium to visit the other side

Petting fun!


At the top of an escalator, Brian and I were greated by family members....nothing crazy about that!

Fun Penguin House with fun people

In the shark tank....looks like Bradford turned in the Hulk to escape

Watch for the photo bombing shark!

The Tenners....Jelly fish....Pretty....Fish that look like plants

Under a dome looking at fish....In the dome

Who could be wearing Grandma Kathy's jacket?

Danny bought a delicious cake for all the birthday celebrators....very good

Let's go get dessert.....Perfect place!


A street performer arrives....So it's time to dance!

More dancing and Erin poses as a gargoyle

Beautiful grounds....The Spring

Tour Guide Ron found a new girlfriend....The rest of us posed with Jack Daniels

Our free shot of Jack Daniels...Lovely desk....Old cash register....We saw a video about coopers and Linda got a question right and won a free chicken dinner!

Before lunch, we wandered around Lynchburg

We had a wonderful lunch here. I bet Miss Mary Bobo would like the new-fangled electronics of our day!

There have only been seven Master Distillers at Jack Daniels. Jack Daniels was number one.
Frank Bobo was number five and served from 1966-1988.

Alex and Becky set a spell with Frank before our lunch!

Jean and Teresa took these darlings to Cathedral Caverns and Monte Sano State Park

Beautiful Caverns

Great hike with a very nice overlook....and a fun place for a selfie

Owen and Bradford....Daphne and Hannah....The Group....The Tenners....We're done, can we leave?....No problem!

We had a great time here and got a bunch of bargains!

Brendan, Kathy, Hannah and Bradford....The Tenners being silly....Danny and Linda....Teresa and Billy Sr.

Billy Jr. and his girlfriend Laura....Jean, Owen and Daphne....Becky and Alex....Hannah and Bradford....Daphne and Brendan sword fighting with pizza servers

Hannah reflected in Owen's glasses....Some of the 70 cows the Womacks have....Alex and Daphne got the gator stuck in the mud....and ended up with muddy shoes

Bradford handing out hugs....and one high five

An absolutely amazing hotel lobby!

Having fun posing

Singing Jailhouse Rock....what their album cover would look like....Taking a Riverboat Cruise....Becky and Jean taking our picture

Riverboat ride in the lobby of the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN
Grandma Kathy, Alex, Owen, Hannah, Daphne, Erin, Brendan

Becky's Fighting Chicken and my Terraza in the rear view mirror of her Fighting Chicken

Great gas price for March, 2015....A sign I like....Erin had to plug in her Ipad Mini so she could keep playing it in the car on the way home.
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