Alex turns 9 and Hannah turns 6
April, 2006

Wearing crowns: Daphne, Hannah, Grandma Kathy and Erin

The Cakes

Laura, Jean and Becky prentending to be afraid of scissors.
The truth is that they really were afraid of hair-cutting scissors when they were younger.
Erin in sunglasses.

The pinata....and Jack wearing the pinata head.

The pinata

Alex and Hannah swinging at the pinata....and posing for Aunt Laura

Daphne, Jimmy, Laura, Jeff, Brendan and Erin....Erin eating a sucker and playing baseball with the big boys

The Limbo....Hannah performing

The Party....balloons by the road

Part of the party moved to the Family Room
Playing pinball....playing pool

Jean painting Hannah....Hannah....Brendan on the lawnmower

The Party moved to the Living/Dining room for cake and ice cream

Alex....Erin and Hannah....Hannah

Opening Gifts

Brendan holding balloons....Erin and a balloon....Brendan and Erin in the kitchen with balloons

Daphne watches Hannah play with a gift....Simba
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