Albuquerque, New Mexico
Balloon Fiesta
The Most Photographed Event in the World
October, 2002
Featuring Kathy Ward, Jean Lahm and Laura Pistello

We stayed at the Radisson Convention Center. Jean and I enjoyed the pool and hot tub.

We got to the Balloon Fiesta Park before sunrise. A few balloons were aloft and lit up.

The concession stands were open. Jean and Laura enjoyed free chili while I had a cone
of mini cinnamon rolls. We also got free pizza, a slinky, a frisbee and hand cream.

When I saw a team unrolling their balloon, I decided to follow them from start to finish. I was
delighted to discover it was a pumpkin. Our hotel even had a picture of "my" pumpkin on the door.

Starting at 7 a. m., some regular balloons and eighty shape balloons took
off. It was amazing watching them being inflated and then lifting off!

Testing the flame and the balloons lined for lift off.

The Pig.

And then...600 regular balloons took to the air....what a wonderful sight!

This balloon was one of the five contest winners. They grabbed a
card from the top of the pole and won money or a Ford Expedition.

I posed with two officials (called Zebras) and Laura got
this great shot of a balloon passing in front of the sun.
View of the Midway, Laura and her HP camera,
Laura in a balloon and Laura getting her hands warmed.

Miscellaneous Fun.

We took the bus back to the Mall. Laura finally got her roasted corn and later found a mini Coke can.

The girls locked me on the balcony. After they let me
come in, I napped while they went to Thrift Town.

We had dinner at Rudy's......

Where I was forced to clean the table!

Finally, Laura spotted this car on the street but didn't
get a picture of it so we took this picture in the yellow pages!
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